London, People and Planet Module for Ithaca College London Centre

Built around field trips to diverse locations around London, the course is framed by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Doughnut Economics. We apply the Ikigai concept as a tool for personal development to connect the learning from the course to action in practice.

Award-winning animation

We produced a one-minute animation with a snapshot of our thinking on two broad topics: truth and power. Winning 3rd place in the video contest at the 2018 conference of the American Evaluation Association, it explores briefly how data and information in evaluations can be transformed into power and action on the results. However, what speaking truth to power means can have a myriad of explanations, depending on who you ask and how you ask.

Learning from Women to Reimagine the Future

Together with Laura Somoggi, Womanity Co-CEO, we co-designed the video-series brought it to life. We had seed funding from the Oasis Foundation and The Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) in-kind support.

Mozambique’s Climate Change Programme for UK-DFID

We designed the business case for BRILHO – Energy Africa Mozambique renewable off-grid energy programme [£34 m / 5-year]. We innovated in the facilitation of the workshops by bringing the World Café methodology to the country for the first time.

Radical Participatory Evaluation for One Girl, Sierra Leone

We pioneered a radically participatory evaluation to determine the impact the Business Brains programme was having on girls and their communities. Using a radical peer-based and strengths-focused methodology we went beyond what is normally understood as a participatory evaluation. We engaged all 11 local staff during all stages of the evaluation.