With a focus on the interface of sustainability, climate change and international development, we provide advice in the design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation phases of international cooperation programmes.

Videos, animations and websites are part of our comms portfolio. We make our projects' outputs more accessible by using artificial intelligence to transcribe, translate and generate subtitles in multiple languages.

We facilitate training courses in academia, non-governmental organisations and businesses. We help future learners to embed sustainability into their day-to-day.


Reimagining the future

We model pockets of the future we want to create. We seek a balance between satisfying our social needs and at the same time respecting our planetary boundaries. Our projects are part of a mosaic that inspires action and steers humanity’s direction into a safe and just space.


By using technology and radical participatory methods, we push the boundaries to co-design, co-sense and prototype different ways of working and learning together with our clients and the communities they serve.

Mind - Heart - Body - Soul

Whole Person Approach works with all aspects of the person - intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual. This unleashes the power within each of us and promote our connection with ourselves, the ones around us, the planet and the universe we inhabit.


Our work results from years of relationships with like-minded individuals and organisations. We are always open to new partnerships that are aligned with our principles.


We are based in London and operate internationally - by travelling or connecting online. We have developed tools and approaches for remote engagement with local communities in hard-to-reach areas.


Our differences are what makes us stronger. We can only create a better future if we broaden narratives and are open to learning from those who are unheard or marginalised.


"Your participatory approach to this evaluation allowed us to grow as a team, and as individuals, and to gain real insight into what a sustainable practice of M&E looks like. You have inspired us to see that M&E is not something external to our programming, but something that can be embedded within our work in a way that allows us to continually learn and develop."

Senior Leadership Team Faith and Belief Forum

"The idea of capturing the participant’s feedback via velfies was both an obvious thing to do, but also a big step into the unknown for us. I found Isabela’s willingness to ‘learn-by-trying’ approach just what we needed to realise our ideas. In addition to a video that really captures the different personalities and reflections of the programme, Isabela provided an excellent Sense Learning analysis. We now have a feedback product that can have multiple uses and audiences, as well as some insightful learning from our Women’s Leadership Programme.”

Head of Multi-Party Office Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD)

"Normally evaluation is something to be wary of. But in this case, it was actually a very empowering process. Without the Whole Person Approach, it would have been difficult to make the truth come out. THe process was very collaborative but it was also independent. The mix of good and bad news were delivered in such a way that people were more likely to take it on board."

Director of Effective Philanthropy Laudes Foundation

“I’ve taken part in a number of participatory evaluations before, but this was the first time I have been involved in the design of the evaluation questions.”

Local Staff Delivery Partner Sierra Leone

“An extremely well organised and thought-provoking three days, structured yet free-flowing. I came away feeling inspired and renewed in my way of thinking about business and how we tackle environmental and social issues. My aim is to return to the workplace able to inspire and educate and to become as active as possible in the ‘planet’ vision which is truly taking hold at Bettys & Taylors.”

Office Manager Bettys & Taylors Group

“This was the most unique course I've ever taken in my years at school. I was fascinated by the city and loved learning about the ways that everything is achieved here. I will never forget this class, the professor, and the group I took it with!!”

Graduate Student Ithaca College


Our experiences shape us and so do our projects and clients. We had the luck and pleasure to work on amazing projects with some wonderful people who crossed our paths all over the world:

  • Africa
    Sierra Leone, South Africa, and Mozambique
  • Asia
    Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Nepal
  • Europe
    UK, Germany, Italy and Switzerland
  • Latin America
    Brazil, Ecuador, El Salvador, Panama, Peru and Colombia


Let’s explore how we can help you and your project

And don't forget to follow us on social media!